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Ancient Greece

Key Work of Art or Architecture

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26. Athenian agora, Greek (600 BCE to 150 CE) Greek. Archaic to Hellenistic. Athenian Agora (26) Greek Architecture (33)
27. Anavysos Kouros, Archaic Greek (c 530 BCE) Greek. Anavysos Kouros. Archaic (16)
28. Peplos Kore, Archaic Greek (c 530 BCE) Greek. Archaic. Peplos Kore from the Acropolis (16) Human Body: Freestanding Female Figural Sculpture (22)
33. Niobides Krater, Greek, (c 460–450 BCE) Greek. Classical. Niobid Painter. Niobides Krater (7)

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Ceramics: Global Traditions (30)

34. Doryphoros, Polykleitos (c 450 BCE) Polykleitos. Doryphoros (Spear Bearer). Greek (13)

Male Beauty & Proportion: European Tradition (42)

Roman Copies of Greek Originals (14)

35. Acropolis, Athens, Greek (c 447 to 424 BCE)

Comparison: Egypt's Temple of Amen-Re & The Acropolis (27)

Greek Architecture (33)

36. Grave stele of Hegeso, Kallimachos (410 BCE)Hegeso, Kallimachos (410 BCE)
37. Victory of Samothrace, Greek (c 190 BCE) Greek. Hellenistic. Winged Victory of Samothrace (7)

Representations of Victory (10)

Human Body: Freestanding Female Figural Sculpture (22)

38. Great Altar at Pergamon, Greek (c 175 BCE) Greek. Hellenistic. Great Altar of Zeus & Athena at Pergamon (17)
41. Seated Boxer, Hellenistic Greek (100 BCE) Greek. Hellenistic. Seated Boxer (12) Greek. Hellenistic Art & Architecture (24)

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